When you come to a service you will be met by one of our welcome team members. We don’t want to pry, but if you will let us we would love to get to know you. After the 10am Sunday services there is quality coffee. Please stay if you possibly can and enjoy the friendship.
Like any church family, some of us have a lot of faith, some of us have only a little and some of us may be just exploring. However, that doesn’t make anyone more or less important here. We are all on a journey, gradually discovering more of the incredible love that God the Father has for us and experiencing the special quality of life that we find in Jesus Christ.
From time to time we offer courses to explore what Christianity is all about. People sometimes come to these sessions feeling sceptical while others come trying to find answers to difficult questions. Either way everyone is welcome.
However, you don’t have to wait for a formal course to explore things that are concerning you. Many of us will happily talk about our faith. To arrange a discussion like this please contact one of the churchwardens listed on our church council page here.
You may prefer to talk with the parish priest or request a home visit. Revd William’s contact details are shown below.