For additional service details and Events please click EVENTS
Regular Sunday Services
Week 1 Holy Communion 10am
Week 2 Morning Worship 10am
Week 3 Holy Communion 10am
Week 4 Morning service at Mamhead 11:15am;
Afternoon Service at Kenton April to September 6:30pm
Afternoon Service at Kenton October to March 5:00pm
The aim of every service is to help people get close to God. Worship is not entertainment; it is an experience of being with God. We find that as we actively expect God to speak to us, so we hear what God is saying.
This can be through the music, the reading of the Bible or through the preaching.
In creating different formats for worship we are not pandering to religious fashion. Rather we recognise that some people feel most at ease in a formal setting whilst others are most able to think and worship in a much more informal setting.
There are occasional variations because of special church festivals Sundays, but there is always a sign-board in the porch which tells everyone what form of service is on offer on a given Sunday.
The life-size crib at Christmas
When there is a fifth Sunday, we join together for worship at one of the churches in our group, The Five Red Churches. Again there are details of this on our facebook page.
Whatever the format of worship, there is always a strong emphasis at All Saints’ on learning from the Bible. There is always a ‘children’s highlight’ talk and provision for children and families.
The Children’s Slot when we talked about John the Baptiser
For every service at All Saints’ there is a hearing loop and large print materials. There is wheelchair access via the High Street and the Bell Tower and toilets with baby-changing facilities. At Parish Praise there are often puppets, Power-Point projections and other all-age-friendly activities.